"When it was earlier announced that Himesh Reshammiya's fifth film as an actor, DAMADAMM, would be arriving on 27th October, many didn't take that seriously since RA.ONE had already confirmed its plans for the same weekend. In fact Shahrukh had taken an early lead by showcasing the first look of the film way back during the World Cup cricket itself. Post that there were quite a few other teasers that were circulated by the makers of RA.ONE that ensured that it stayed in news," observes a trade pundit.
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However DAMADAMM hung on to its promotional plans till the right moment. Now that the film's promos are being showcased full swing, it is pretty much an official announcement that Himesh has definite plans for DAMADAMM this Diwali."
When asked about the clash of DAMADAMM with RA.ONE, Himesh said that there wasn't much to read into it. He reasons, "RA.ONE is the biggest film of the year and I am sure it would be superb. However there is always a room for a good romantic comedy on Diwali. There couldn't have been a better release date. I am very confident of its music becoming a huge hit just like it has been the case with the music of BODYGUARD."
Well, as long as it benefits the industry, we look forward to that for sure.
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