The duo later became friends in real life and Vishwajeet also did films like Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani and Chalte Chalte with SRK. "But we never let our friendship get into work. Director Aziz Mirza found me worthy of the characters and offered me the role. But I'll always be glad for knowing a person like Shah Rukh. He is one man who hasn't changed at all," says Vishwajeet.
Talking about his acting career which includes a good 150 films, he says, "Being from a small town my parents wanted me to become an IAS officer but being an actor I lived the life of everyone. I've been a cop, a hardliner politician, a magician, a watchman, a don, a smuggler, an officer all in one life!
I never got a lead role and I make no bones about it. But I've experienced career satisfaction in playing character roles. Like recently, I had a policeman praise me for looking a better cop on screen than they do in reality!"
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